
3×Flag Peptide

A fusion tag, called 3 × Flag-tag and consisting of eight amino acids (Met-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-His-Asp-Gly-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-His-Asp-Ile- Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys) including an enterokinase-cleavage site, was specifically designed for immunoaffinity chromatography.
编号 规格 价格 促销价 品牌 库存
3DYK-P05 5mg 580.00 580.00 七纯 现货
3DYK-P25 25mg 1990.00 1990.00 七纯 现货
3DYK-P100 100mg 3980.00 3980.00 七纯 现货
3DYK-P500 500mg 8960.00 8960.00 七纯 现货

Flag Peptide

A fusion tag, called DYKDDDDK and consisting of eight amino acids (Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys) including an enterokinase-cleavage site, was specifically designed for immunoaffinity chromatography.
编号 规格 价格 促销价 品牌 库存
DYK-P05 5mg 450.00 450.00 七纯 现货
DYK-P25 25mg 1200.00 1200.00 七纯 现货
DYK-P100 100mg 2400.00 2400.00 七纯 现货
DYK-P500 500mg 4800.00 4800.00 七纯 现货

Y-Tec无血清细胞冻存液(Y-Tec Serum-Free Cell Freezing Medium)

Y-tec无血清细胞冻存液(Y-Tec Serum-Free Cell Freezing Medium),通用于各种动物细胞株(肿瘤细胞和常规细胞),冻存细胞可在-80℃长期保存(>5年)。Y-tec无血清细胞冻存液配方成分明确,不含动物来源性蛋白,不含血清,可减少各类细菌、病毒和支原体等污染,保证冻存细胞的安全。
编号 规格 价格 促销价 品牌 库存
YC0100 100ml 358.00 299.00 七纯 现货

Y-Tec快速转膜液(20×)(Y-Tec Fast Transfer Buffer)

Y-Tec快速转膜液(20×)(Y-Tec Fast Transfer Buffer)是一款全程免冰浴,常温状态下即可完成传统湿转的高效转膜液,该产品能高效快速地将PAGE胶上的蛋白转移到PVDF或NC膜上,小于180KD蛋白仅需10-35分钟即可完成。
编号 规格 价格 促销价 品牌 库存
YWT0500 500ml 298.00 228.00 现货

Anti-Flag Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody

The DYKDDDDK peptide has been used extensively as a general epitope tag in expression vectors. This peptide can be expressed and detected with the protein of interest as an amino-terminal or carboxy-terminal fusion.
编号 规格 价格 促销价 品牌 库存
AYD01-100 100ul 880.00 580.00 七纯